
Engaging Lessons for Adults

Categories: Coaches
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About Course

There are not many coach educational courses on this topic, yet for many of us (as coaches), adult coaching makes up the bread and butter of our weekly lessons.


Coaching adults requires a different approach to coaching children and it is important that we cover the areas that most of us take for granted. If you ever have a chance to attend the Tennis Congress event in the USA, then I highly recommend this incredible experience for all standards of adult players who thrive in a unique learning environment and want to take their game to the next level.


This course also covers tips and tricks to welcome the beginner adult and help them feel comfortable in the club by understanding tennis etiquette and ultimately providing a sense of belonging within the community. For players, you can use the section of ‘feel based games’ to help practice outside of your weekly tennis session.

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Course Content

Chapter 1 – INTRO
Welcome to Successful Adult Group Beginner Lessons. Coaching adults requires a different approach to coaching children and it is important that we cover the areas that most of us take for granted.

  • Welcome to Engaging Lessons for Adult

Chapter 2 – Feeling Welcome and Safe
This first chapter focuses on the client’s first experience.

Chapter 3 – Feeling Like they Belong
When you grow up around tennis courts, you learn the ropes about tennis etiquette early on and therefore it is easy to take for the unspoken “stuff” for granted. Let's explore this on a deeper level.

Chapter 4 – Learn through Feel and Play
Adults really do know their bodies better than we do at this stage in their life and teaching via “feel” and through play-based challenges, often allows the activity to do the teaching for you.

Chapter 5 – Developing Singles Skills
Having a rally is the key to enjoying tennis so learning basic singles skills is critical to adult success.

Chapter 6 – Developing Doubles Skills
Being able to play doubles allows for many social opportunities and allows new members to engage with other club members.

Chapter 7 – OUTRO
Thank you for investing your time, effort and energy into this course.

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