
>Expert Consultations

Tennis Fitness and Conditioning

Enhance your performance with personalized consultations in Tennis Fitness and Conditioning. Our experts provide one-on-one advice on fitness training, nutrition, and recovery techniques, tailored to your specific needs. From fitness testing and postural movement assessments to guidance for young players, coaches, and parents, you’ll receive professional insights and customized programs. Whether you’re looking to prevent injuries, improve your conditioning, or gain inside knowledge on how the pros train, our consultations are designed to help you reach your tennis goals.

Private Fitness Training

with Martin Method Tennis Fitness

Trained 5 World N1 Tennis Players

Our service offers expert Tennis Fitness Testing and Postural Movement Assessments followed by the design of personalized programs tailored to your unique goals and exercise history. Programs typically include recovery (foam roller, stretch, and mobility), injury prevention, warm-up routines, and strength and conditioning focused on strength, endurance, agility, core, footwork, and power development.

Live Video Consultations

with Martin Method Tennis Fitness

Trained 5 World N1 Tennis Players

Receive expert advice on tennis fitness training, guidance for young players, nutrition tips for pre- and post-match meals, and valuable insights for coaches and parents. We offer tailored exercises, programming, recovery, and rehabilitation techniques. You’ll also gain inside information on what the professionals do, along with motivational support for players of all levels.